Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Sunday Currently, Vol. 5


READING: a young adult novel, because I'm a child. But I hear I may be part of a book club soon? like I have time for such shenanigans. 

WRITING: a grocery list. Days off have to be planned out even more carefully, now that I work weekends. #itwillbeworthitintheend...maybe #moneymoneymoneymoney

LISTENING: traffic outside my window. air vent in my room. this beautiful song:

THINKING: I am surrounded by idiocy. 

I've had this thought several times, over the years. 

Also, this man makes me furious:
You can't just say things & pretend they're true. 
At the very least, don't spread lies about one of my favorite things, especially when your lies are used to further your stupid, liberal, neo-slavery agenda. 
One comment: "I'm going to tell this to my history students tomorrow!"

Never breed, you ignorant slut. 
SMELLING: not a lot. My nose is stuffy & my head hurts. Sick, y'all. 

WISHING: To be well. My laundry would do itself. The weather would get cold. 

HOPING: This new job works out. 
WEARING: Norts & my Pitkin shirt. Sleepypajamasickday. 

LOVING: My Anthropologie employee discount. They might as well not even give me a paycheck; I should just get store credit because it's all going back there, anyway. 

WANTING: Cold weather. To be showered without having to actually shower. Endless coffee that I didn't have to make myself. 
My dream.

NEEDING: Cough syrup. A tissue. Validation as a successful human person. 

FEELING: Lethargic. Tired of humanity. The usual. 
CLICKING: my Amazon kindle account. It's been getting a bit of a workout lately, because I just keep finding books that I want to read. 


  1. You're never too old for young adult. :) Which book are you reading?

    1. Thanks for reading! I love history (even if it's fake!), and I'm rereading the last Percy Jackson book so I can start on the new one!
