Sunday, February 9, 2014

My Week in (Scrubs) Gifs

This is a new thing I'm trying. 
When I can't think of what to blog, 
you get a recap of my week in gifs from my favorite shows. 
It will reveal to you my television preferences, 
as well as keep you updated on me, 
which I know is super important to most people. 
It also saves me from having to actually think about blog content, 
so I am a fan of this. 

Monday: woke up & realized that Groundhog weekend is actually over.
I would like to Groundhog Day that weekend over & over again.
Tuesday: I attempted to use my high school/college Spanish to help a client. Not at all successful.
Pretty sure he thinks he doesn't have to file his taxes now. My b.

In my defense, we were doing just fine 
until I had to use legal terminology. I struggle with that in English. 
Wednesday: law school apps were turned in, ain't nothing gonna bring me down.
Thursday: Snow day! Boss Man was letting people go early because of the inclement weather,
but he made me wait a disgusting amount of time.

I finally got permission to leave around 3:30,
which is definitely better than my usual end time of 7:30 or 8. 
But still. 
Friday: Someone left the office unlocked on Thursday & Boss Man's gun was stolen out of his desk.
God help us all.

We now have to have a staff meeting about correct lock-up procedure. 
Saturday: working on Saturdays is slowly killing me. I just don't wanna. 

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