Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Lawyerish to Lawyerly

This is just the truthiest of truths for me, at the moment. A month ago, I had a whole update written 
about the job I had and taking the bar exam and all of my life changes. 
And a few days after I wrote aaaaaaaall of that out, my life changed again: 
I got a new job that looks to be long-lasting. I passed that bar exam (!!!). I started that new job.
So the Texas version of that well-used Gatsby quote: life started all over again when it got below 90° in the fall. 

A quick recap, because I hate to trash a decent blog draft:
Life got away from me again. But this time I have the best excuse ever: THE BAR EXAM.
(It is completely necessary to use all caps when referring to THE BAR EXAM. It's out of my hands.) 
It is, without a shadow of a doubt, the dumbest thing I have ever done in my entire life. 
I may end up recapping the full BAR EXAM experience in a future post,
but I still need some time to work through my PTSD. 

For now, I'm working a semi-lawyer job in the oil & gas industry.
Which, given my background, makes complete sense, right? 😐
Unfortunately, I don't get to wear a cute pink hardhat to work, but I'm now comfortable using oil & gas jargon in real life.
LOL oil, right?
I know where the major shale fields are located, people trust me to work on deals worth crazy amounts of money, and I don't immediately starting giggling when someone talks about the unit they're working on.
So I'm basically an adult. 
Also, I work in an office where half of the employees have "Make Oil and Gas Great Again" hats, 
so it's been a nice change of pace from the liberal hell of law school. 

However, I will always & forever assume "OG" means Original Gangster, and not Oil & Gas.
That's just who I am as a person. 

And now! Now I am a pirate. A pirate lawyer. A lawyer for pirates. A maritime attorney. Something like that.
I get to go on ships! I get to travel! I get to refer to people as Admiral! It's all very exciting. 
Eventually, I will maritime and admiralty with the best of them, but being a baby lawyer is exhausting and stressful 
and a very steep learning curve. 
For now, I do my research: Moby Dick, The Odyssey, Old Man & the Sea, Finding Nemo. 
All the greats, obviously. With rum in hand. 
No one ever accused me of not committing to the theme. 

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of those OG hats, I need you to go back and snag a couple. Thaaaaaanks.
